Thursday, October 27, 2022

U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court is very unique to me especially being from Canada, coming into this class I had zero knowledge of the U.S. Supreme Court but after reading about the court I realized how much power the U.S. Supreme Court really has and it's much more than the Canadian Supreme Court. The Supreme court was established by the United States Constitution on September 24th 1789. With the creation of the Supreme Court it allowed congress the power to create these inferior Federal courts.

The President at the time of the establishing of the Supreme Court was George Washington and Washington implemented an act that stated that the court would be made up of six justices whom would serve the court until death or retirement. Something interesting that I did not know about The Supreme Court was that  in 1869, congress changed the number of justices to nine and that still remains to this day. 1869 was also the last time that the number of justices would change at the time they had 7 but when Grant was elected congress gifted him with two more justices so now The Supreme Court would have 9 justices and to Grant's choice he picked them gamely.

The Supreme Court is of the highest power of all the courts. Something that was a very important takeaway for me was that the court can even overturn The President. This is because the Chief of justice is the one who impeaches the President. Multiple Presidents have been impeached such as Donald Trump and Bill Clinton although none of them were convicted. The Supreme Courts responsibility is to overturn unconstitutional legislation and its sworn duty to uphold the constitution. Something very interesting about The Supreme Court is that approximately 7000-8000 civil and criminal cases are filed by the court every single year, these files come from The State and The Federal courts.

In front of the main entrance of The Supreme Court the words, "EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW" are written which express the courts ultimate responsibility. Inside the court the Chief of justice is the one who is responsible for presiding over the court and the one who plans out what the court's weekly agenda was so that they knew all the cases that they needed to look up on and talk about as a group. I always believed that the President was the most powerful in the country and I had no clue that the President could be overturned before reading the article and doing research on The Supreme Court.

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