Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Creation of the News Paper

The Newspaper is one of the major sources of media and information in today's world and especially in in the 1600's when it was created by a Augustus Caesar. The name of which he chose for the press was the Acta Diurna which stood for, "Daily Acts". These daily acts were posted up on walls so that the people in the towns could walk by and take a quick read of the daily acts and then go upon their day and going to their 9 to 5 jobs. Cursus Publicus was the post office they used so that the daily acts were sent out as quickly as possible so that everybody in Rome could be alerted with the newest news possible about what is going on around the Empire. A very fun fact is that another way of sending out the daily acts to towns in Rome was through carrier pigeons because how trustful they were during the war with getting speedy news back to the towns and the generals they decided it would be a good idea that the daily acts would be shipped as quick as possible through carrier pigeons.

The Acta Diurna was published for centuries spreading news around the empire until the thrown and empire were transferred over to Constantinople. A fun fact about the Acta Diurna is that the word "Acta" when its said alone is what is said to be what designates an emperor's enactments, before you are sworn to be in the office you are to swear to the emperor's acta. During the time of the first every Acta Diurna during the 1st century a young senator was said to have drawn up the Acta Senatus. Now these were all held up in locations were you can only get to them if you were a person with higher authority then the others, the places were the Acta Senatus was kept were the imperial archives and inside the public libraries.

As we look at the two images that I have provided in the blog you can see how their are multiple similarities when comparing one of the early Acta Diurna's to what the news paper looks like nowadays. The format is pretty similar except if you are to look at the newspaper from nowadays you will see that their are more minor headings underneath the main headings as well as their being photographs and different alignments for different categories of what you are looking for in the newspaper. Now looking at the Acta Diurna we see that their is just one major heading and then everything is just squeezed into paragraphs with no context of what is what although their is a split down the middle of the page that some stories from the others.

For centuries now people have been reading the newspaper and using it as their main source of information and media. But nowadays we are seeing a trend weir newspaper are not used as much anymore because you can get the news on your phone or maybe even you have the downloaded version of the news paper which I think was a very useful invention. I say this because paper is expensive to come by these days because of how many trees you need to cut down just to get the paper. it is much more efficient for the workers now to just hop on their computers and post the newspaper online. I know I get updates everyday from the newspaper icon on my phone and believe it or not I will read these articles because I like to know what's going on around the world and especially around me. The Newspaper was one of the greatest creations known to man and truly one of the most expanding their knowledge on what and where people get their news and newspaper from may it be still by the paper boys or if they read the newspaper on their cellphones.

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