Thursday, November 10, 2022

History of iPhone (reaction)

Something very interesting to me about the the iPhone was that the first invention to call someone on the iPhone was by using a rotary machine on the iPhone, they had to make a major change to that so that it was more accessible to get in touch with people as well as calling them.The first iPhone also had another very interesting thing that you would never even have thought of nowadays because of everything you can do on a iPhone the major things that were on the first iPhone was that you could not send people photos on iMessage. I find that very interesting because you can literally tap the photo in the toolbar in your text and it opens up your camera and you can quickly snap a photo of yourself or what you are doing at the time and send it via iMessage to whoever you may be texting. This just shows how much the iPhone has grown since its creation in 2007 Apple has done a great job with getting up to date with their technologies. Another thing I did not know was that the iPod was the first form of an apple product created by Steve Jobs.

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