Thursday, November 10, 2022


Nowadays, the world is very political this is one of the main reasons why we do not hear many anti-war voices standing up and talking for what they think is right. Countries across the world like to stay neutral as possible so that they do not make the wrong decision by messing a relationship with another country and maybe cause war in between or at least they will say to the public that they are neutral. Both of these websites seem to be groups of individuals who want to have their own voice, which is different from the governments.

These groups have strong beliefs into what they believe is true to be the American way of life. The American conservative seems to stand for American being strong and independent. They have the belief to care about American’s first and don’t feel there is a need to unite the world and support other countries around the world. Another reason why we do not hear about anti-war voices often times is because they speak upon and against the government. These anti-war groups and people know the risk that they are taking when they talk against the government so they do not want to take such a high risk in something happening to them if they spoke against their government. These anti-war voices in my opinion need to speak up more especially with what is going on in the world at the moment with the craziness that is going with all the war talk and the Presidential situation.

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