Monday, December 5, 2022


Disinformation is the act of deliberately misleading someone we see his a lot in the governments and media with higher power. A lot of times disinformation gets confused with misinformation but the difference between the two is that disinformation is the act that you are deliberately lying just to mislead, and when you look at misinformation that is the mistake that someone has made when giving information to someone they are not deliberately misleading this person. When someone has been given disinformation to deliberately ruin someones life it could really be life changing to that person and people around this person. Another thing about disinformation is that it can cause problems that do not need to happen or should have never been brought upon in the first place. We have heard about stories of disinformation that is given between the countries sometimes for their own good but most of the time as a trap.

You can almost but the disinformation meaning under the term of "evil use" as you can use it to legitimately ruin somebody's life just by given someone the wrong information about someone and all of a sudden the government is at that person's door arresting them for the false information that was given on someone. Disinformation has been used for centuries and usually as a tactic or just generally used by someone that is known for being a pathological liar or just even a bad person overall. Disinformation can effect people in crime scenes where they can easily be blamed for false murder if someone had the smallest bit of something on them but the people were given disinformation on the case that they did not know of but all of a sudden that person was framed and falsely put in prison. This has been seen in multiple trials through centuries in courts throughout the world.
Disinformation is definitely something that is used for power nowadays with the society that we live in with war as the main talk and their is a lot of disinformation and good source information in the talks. A way that we have seen disinformation used against America was when the Soviet Union was saying that the United States had invented AIDS. This was never talked about until the 1980's when the united states came out with the disinformation on the case.
Sometimes people may try to match whistle blowing with disinformation but they are absolutely total different things whistle blowing has nothing to do with giving deliberately wrong information whistle blowing wants to reveal the truth about something that absolutely no one knows about but on the other hand they want to know about this info such as the Edward Snowden case. Disinformation affects a lot of people around the world especially with social media in this generation it is so easy for someone to put out information to deliberately cause something wrong to happen by misleading people. Misleading is very wrong when it comes to reality and misleading one or multiple people at a time because that person known as the miss leader might feel great about what they are doing but when the people being mislead find out they freak out and end up very angry and upset.

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